Replacing windows in an old house may seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. While there’s no denying that old wood windows can look lovely when they are restored, certain circumstances make replacing those windows more sensible. The right windows can make your home feel roomier, cozier, and friendlier. They can be a part of your overall aesthetic or stand out as the centerpiece of a room. If you’re contemplating hiring a window company for your home, make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons. Here are four reasons you should consider when replacing windows in an old house.
- Your windows are damaged or allow a draft
- You want stronger windows for weather events
- You want custom windows
- You want to eliminate hot spots
Your windows are damaged or allow a draft
When it comes to replacing windows in an old house, you should look for a damaged or rotting window frame. A damaged frame can mean that your house will be exposed to water or bugs or any outside elements. Obviously, this is bad for a number of reasons. However, what if you don’t notice much damage or any rotting going on? Does that mean your windows are fine? Not necessarily, If you feel a draft coming from your window there is most likely a leak or damage. Again, this can result and water damage or mold of some kind if the problem is not fixed. Your energy bill will also likely go up significantly if cracks and openings have happened. If you find this, it’s best that you replace the windows in your house.
You want stronger windows for weather events
Another reason you should consider replacing windows in an old house is due to weather events. The climate in Texas is projected to get worse as the years go on. This means your home will face more hot temperatures, storms, hail, turbulent wind, and other weather events. If you’d like to be better prepared for those events, you may want to invest in new windows with storm protection. These windows are rated for different wind speeds and are much more durable than older windows. Come hurricane season these windows can make a big difference in protecting your home.
You want custom windows
If you have the money to make the investment, replacing windows in an old house can give your house a better aesthetic look. If you want a unique design for your home windows can be a great way to make a space unique and all your own. From adding sunlight to adding new types of windows in specific rooms. There are endless options to choose from which can give your home a one-of-a-kind feel. Make sure to do your research on window types and consult with a window company on what would look best for your home.
You want to eliminate hotspots
One of the common problems with older windows is that they allow heat into the home. In turn, this can create hotspots in a room or home. Your AC unit will work harder because of this and you may not even be able to enjoy some rooms during the summer months. If you were thinking about replacing windows in an old house this is absolutely a must-case scenario. Newer windows with an Energy Star approval block heat more efficiently and can provide energy savings (depending on the renovation). If you want to make sure every room is functional, new windows may be your best bet.
Are you thinking about purchasing new windows for your older home? Reach out to one of our experts here. Want to meet multiple companies at once? You can with one of our Live Shows such as the Montgomery County Home & Outdoor Living Show which takes place on August 28 & 29, 2021. Want to read more of our content? Check out our latest articles on generators!