Homeownership is a bittersweet endeavor in most ways. For many, having a place to call their own is an obviously good thing. For many, however, when they envision their future home, it is absent all of the money, repairs, and other headaches that can come with owning your own house. In all things, prevention is often the best medicine, whether you’re talking about health, home repair, or nearly anything else. The same goes for pest problems! Read on to see our six tips for preventive pest control, and utilize them to keep your house a pest-free home.
Know the Signs
It’s important to at least have passing knowledge of common pests in your area and what the signs of their presence are. Mice, for example, leave different clues than cockroaches. If you are familiar with the common warning signs, you can respond to potential problems faster.
Keep Food Secure
There are a variety of good reasons not to leave food out, but one of the best is to prevent pests. Most pests, whether bugs or rodents, are extremely opportunistic creatures. Crumbs everywhere, grease accumulation, and opened food containers are all invitations to wandering critters to make a home in your walls and cabinets. Keeping a clean house has more value than simply impressing your guests!
Stay Dry
If you have leaky plumbing, you’ll want to get that fixed immediately. Don’t let any water accumulate or pool, particularly where you cannot clean it up. You’ll also want to keep water out of pet bowls overnight and out from under house plants. All pests have the same requirements people do: food, water, and shelter. Just like with the food mentioned above, easy access to water is an invitation for wandering critters to take up residence. Wherever the food and water is, the pests will make a home nearby.
Remove Clutter
We’ve all likely seen images of hoarder houses or some other type of Beverly cluttered place. These types of rooms are breeding grounds for pest infestations. Most pests don’t want to be out in the open. When a majority of a rooms floor is covered in trash, garbage, and other mess, the pests in question have freedom to move about undetected. Getting the clutter out of the home will remove discreet avenues of travel for your invading creatures and make their patterns more noticeable. Not only will this remove some hiding places, but it will help you assess the severity of the infestation.
Close Off Additional Hiding Places
Cracks in walls, gaps between cabinets, and space between countertops can all be places where pests can congregate. Good preventive pest control practice is to remove all of these options. Caulk and seal any gaps to prevent further spread. You can also cover any potential holes with wire mesh.
Bring in the Professionals
Even if there are no signs of pest problems, you can also have a qualified professional come in and appraise your house. They may notice things you don’t, and be able to give you the peace of mind you need!